Previous EurOMA Conferences & Awards
22nd International Annual EurOMA Conference
Neuchâtel, Switzerland
28 June – 1 July 2015
EurOMA 2015
"Operations Management for Sustainable Competitiveness"
EurOMA Fellow – 2015
The EurOMA Fellowship program honours worthy academics who have made a great contribution to the field of OM as well as given many years of service to the Association.
The 2015 Nominating Committee presented the EurOMA Fellowship Award to:
• Gianluca Spina •
Nigel Slack Teaching Innovation Award – 2015
Sponsored by
The Nigel Slack Teaching Innovation Award was presented to:
– Kirstin Scholten, Anna Dubois, for their paper: "Advancing the skill set of SCM graduates – An active learning approach".
The Nigel Slack Teaching Innovation Award were presented to:
– Alastair Nicholson, Dana Brown, John Schirn, Steve New, for their paper:
"The Blue Suitcase: Operations Management Education through Reflexive Articulated Perception".
– Mark Johnson, Mehmet Chakkol, Max Finne, for their paper:
"‘Flip’ or not to ‘Flip’? Reflections on the Redesign of an Undergraduate Operations Management Course".
Chris Voss Best Paper Awards – 2015
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The Chris Voss Best Paper Award was presented to:
– Menglei Niu, Christian Busse, Stephan M. Wagner, for their paper: “Supplier development for sustainability in global supply chains: Insights from dyadic case studies conducted in Switzerland and China”.
The Chris Voss Highly Commended Awards were presented to:
– Carolien De Blok, for the paper “How public service supply chains achieve integration: Findings from five cases”.
– Guido Orzes, Fu Jia, Marco Sartor, Guido Nassimbeni, for their paper “Does social accountability pay off? An empirical investigation on the performance impact of Sa8000”.
Harry Boer Best Student Paper Awards – 2015
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The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award was presented to:
– Aline Seepma, Carolien de Blok, Dirk Pieter van Donk, for their paper "Justice or efficiency versus justice and efficiency: findings from three Western criminal justice chains".
The Harry Boer Highly Commended Award was presented to:
– Fazli Haleem, Sami Farooq, Harry Boer, Cristina Gimenez, for their paper "The moderating role of stakeholder pressure in the relationship between CSR practices and financial performance in a globalizing world".
– Cristina Sancha, Frank Wiengarten, for their paper "The role of precarious work on the efficacy of lean practices".
The conference was preceded by the
14th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
26-27 June 2015
and the
8th EurOMA Workshop on Journal Publishing
in Operations Management
27 June 2015
and the
7th EurOMA Young Scholars' Workshop
28 June 2015
21st International Annual EurOMA Conference
Palermo, Italy
20-25 June 2014
EurOMA 2014
"Operations Management in an Innovation Economy"
EurOMA Fellow – 2014
The EurOMA Fellowship program honours worthy academics who have made a great contribution to the field of OM as well as given many years of service to the Association.
The 2014 Nominating Committee presented the EurOMA Fellowship Award to:
• Ann Vereecke •
Chris Voss Best Paper Awards – 2014
The Chris Voss Best Paper Award was presented to:
– Antony Potter, Benn Lawson, Frits Pil, Matthias Holweg, for their paper: “Organizational responsiveness to supplier disruptions: Empirical evidence from agri-food product recalls”.
The Chris Voss Highly Commended Awards were presented to:
– Annachiara Longoni, Raffaella Cagliano, for their paper “Sustainable supply chain management and competitive advantage: The role of human capital”.
– Katri Kauppi, Federico Caniato, Markku Kuula, Annachiara Longoni, for their paper “Supply chain risk management and operational performance: The impact of country-level disruption risks”.
Harry Boer Best Student Paper Awards – 2014
The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award was presented to:
– Ernst-Jan Prosman, Kirstin Scholten, Damien Power, for their paper "Dealing with deliberately defaulting suppliers: An agency theory perspective".
The Harry Boer Highly Commended Award was presented to:
– Sebastian Pashaei, Jan Olhager, for their paper "The impact of global operations on product architecture".
– Stefania Boscari, Pamela Danese, Pietro Romano, for their paper "Effective lean knowledge transfer across manufacturing units in multinational corporations".
Emerald Awards – 2014
The Best Paper Award – "Effects of supply chain position on the motivation and practices of firms going green" by Sonia M. Lo (2014), Vol. 34, No. 1.
The Highly Commended Paper Award – "Job satisfaction and quality management: An empirical analysis" by Lilian M. de Menezes (2012), Vol. 32, No. 3.
20th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Dublin, Ireland
9-12 June 2013
EurOMA 2013
"Operations Management at the Heart of the Recovery"
Call for Papers
EurOMA Fellow – 2013
The EurOMA Fellowship program honours worthy academics who have made a great contribution to the field of OM as well as given many years of service to the Association. The 2013 Nominating Committee (R. Cagliano, J. Ribera, and C. Voss) presented the EurOMA Fellowship Award to:
• Luk Van Wassenhove •
Chris Voss Best Paper Awards – 2013
• The Chris Voss Best Paper Award was presented to
– Min Zhang (Norwich Business School, UK), Xiande Zhao (China-Europe International Business School, China), and Marjorie A. Lyles (Indiana University Kelley School of Business, USA),
for their paper: “Absorptive capacity and mass customization capability:
The role of customers and suppliers as sources of knowledge”.
• The Chris Voss Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Antony Potter (Manchester Business School, UK), Benn Lawson (Cambridge Judge Business School, UK), and Beverly B. Tyler (North Carolina State University, USA),
for their paper: “Building new product advantage within inter-firm NPD projects:
The role of firm selection, supplier technology, and absorptive capabilities”.
– Lisa Hüttinger and Holger Schiele (both at University of Twente, Netherlands), for their paper: “Empirical evidence for the influencing factors of preferential treatment by suppliers”.
Harry Boer Best Student Paper Awards – 2013
• The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award was presented to
– George Onofrei, Brian Fynes, Sean de Burca, and Evelyn Roche (University College Dublin, Ireland), for their paper: “Empirical Relationship Between Infrastructure Practices, Lean Practices And Factory Fitness: The Swift Even Flow Perspective”.
• The Harry Boer Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Karl J. Grajczyk, Markus Amann, and Michael Essig (Bundeswehr University Munich, Germany). for their paper: “Performance Effects Of Purchasing Category Strategy Alignment With Purchasing's Structural Configuration In Industrial Category Supply Management”.
Emerald Awards – 2013
Emerald Awards for Excellence
• The Outstanding Paper Award for Supply Chain Management: An International Journal was presented to Stefan Seuring, and Stefan Gold, for the paper:
“Conducting content-analysis based literature reviews in supply chain management”.
• The Highly Commended Paper Award for Supply Chain Management: An International Journal was presented to Marian Oosterhuis, Taco van der Vaart, and Eric Molleman, for the paper:
“The value of upstream recognition of goals in supply chains”.
• The Highly Commended Paper Award for International Journal of Managing Projects in Business was presented to Markus Hällgren, Andreas Nilsson, Tomas Blomquist, and Anders Söderholm,
for the paper: “Relevance lost! A critical review of project management standardisation”.
The conference was preceded by the
12th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
7-8 June 2013
and the
6th EurOMA Journal Publishing Workshop
MODULE I: "Developing your Conference Paper"
8 June 2013
and the
5th EurOMA Young Scholars' Workshop
9 June 2013
4th Joint World Conference on
Production & Operations Management /
19th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Amsterdam, Netherlands
1-5 July 2012
World P&OM Amsterdam 2012 / EurOMA 2012
"Serving the World"
Call for Papers
EurOMA Fellow – 2012
The EurOMA Fellowship program honours worthy academics who have made a great contribution to the field of OM as well as given many years of service to the Association. The 2012 Nominating Committee (R. Cagliano, A. Vereecke, and C. Voss) presented the EurOMA Fellowship Award to:
• Kasra Ferdows •
Chris Voss Best Paper Awards – 2012
• The Chris Voss Best Paper Award was presented to
– Benn Lawson (University of Cambridge, UK), Daniel Krause (Colorado State University, USA), and Antony Potter (University of Manchester, UK), for their paper:
“Managing Supplier Performance during Collaborative New Product Development”.
• The Chris Voss Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Melek Akin Ates (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands), Guido Ianniello (Luiss Guido Carli University, Italy), and Jan van den Ende (Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands),
for their paper: “An Exploratory Model for Coordination Approaches in
Buyer-supplier-supplier Triads in NPD projects”.
– Emanuele Lettieri, Giovanni Radaelli, Nicola Spiller (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), and
Matteo Mura (Università di Bologna, Italy), for their paper:
“Innovating Healthcare Operations: lessons from a micro-level investigation”.
Harry Boer Best Student Paper Awards – 2012
• The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award was presented to
– Andrea Stefano Patrucco, Davide Luzzini, and Stefano Ronchi (School of Management, Politecnico di Milano, Italy), for their paper:
“Supplier and Purchasing Function involvement in NPD: What are the effects?”.
• The Harry Boer Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Andreas Wieland (Technische Universität Berlin, Germany), and Carl Marcus Wallenburg (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany). for their paper:
“Strategies to Cope with Uncertainty: The moderating role of the supply chain position”.
José A. D. Machuca World P&OM Conference Best Paper Awards – 2012
• The José A. D. Machuca World P&OM Conference Best Paper Award was presented to
– Barbara B. Flynn (Indiana University, USA), Thomas Bortolotti & Pamela Danese (University of Padova, Italy), and Pietro Romano (University of Udine, Italy), for their paper:
“Cumulative Capabilities and Lean: A test of the sandcone model”.
– Robert D. Klassen (University of Western Ontario, Canada), Su-Yol Lee (Chonnam National University, Korea), Andrea Furlan & Andrea Vinelli (University of Padova, Italy): for their paper:
“The Green Bullwhip Effect: Transferring environmental obligations along a supply chain”.
• The José A. D. Machuca World P&OM Conference Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Reza Zanjirani Farahani (Kingston University, UK), Hoda Davarzani (Lund University, Sweden), and Hazhir Rahmandad (Virginia Tech, USA), for their paper:
“Sanction as an Econo-Political Risk to Supply Chains”.
– Hirofumi Matsuo (Kobe University, Japan), for his paper
“Supply chain disruptions from the Tohoku Earthquake:
What happened to automotive semi-conductors and what should be researched?”.
The conference was preceded by the
11th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
29-30 June 2012
and the
4th EurOMA Young Scholars' Workshop
1 July 2012
18th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Judge Business School & Institute for Manufacturing, Cambridge, UK
3-6 July 2011
EurOMA 2011
"Exploring Interfaces"
EurOMA Fellows – 2011
The EurOMA Fellowship program honours worthy academics who have made a great contribution to the field of OM as well as given many years of service to the Association. The 2011 Nominating Committee (R. Cagliano, A. Neely, and A. Vereecke) presented the EurOMA Fellowship Award to:
• Harry Boer • Arnoud De Meyer •
Chris Voss Best Paper Awards – 2011
• The Chris Voss Best Paper Award was presented to
– Carolien de Blok, Wietze van der Aa, Pim den Hertog (University of Amsterdam, NL) for the paper: ‘Managing inter-firm relationships in open service innovation.’
• The Chris Voss Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Katri Karjalainen (University of Manchester, UK), Alistair Brandon-Jones (University of Bath, UK), Stephano Ronchi (Politecnico di Milano, Italy), Erik van Raaij (Erasmus University, Rotterdam) for the paper: ‘Electronic purchasing tools and purchasing absorptive capacity as antecedents of purchasing category performance.’
– Bart MacCarthy, Amila Jayarathne (University of Nottingham, UK) for the paper: ‘Global supply networks and responsiveness in the international clothing industry:
Differences across different retailer types.’
Harry Boer Best Student Paper Awards – 2011
• The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award was presented to
– Justin Drupsteen (University of Groningen, NL) for the paper:
‘Integrative practices in hospitals and their impact on patient flow.’
• The Harry Boer Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Pairach Piboonrungroj (Cardiff University, UK & Chiang Mai University, Thailand) for the paper:
‘Supply chain collaboration, inter-firm trust and logistics performance:
Evidence from the tourism sector.’
– Boyana Petkova (University of Groningen, NL) for the paper:
‘Supply chain integration under resource dependence; How powerful buyers and suppliers shape integration as the value of the relationship rises.’
Emerald Awards – 2011
Emerald Awards for Excellence
• The Highly Commended Award for International Journal of Operations & Production Management was presented to Alistair Brandon-Jones for the paper by Alistair Brandon-Jones, John Ramsay, Beverly Wagner, (2010): ‘Trading interactions: Supplier empathy, consensus and bias.'
(IJOPM, volume 30, issue 5, pp. 453-487.)
• The Outstanding Doctoral Research Award in the Operations and Production Management Category (sponsored by IJOPM) was presented to Jens Roerich (University of Bath, UK) for the paper: 'The Dynamics of Inter-organisational Governance: Contractual and Relational Mechanisms in Public-Private Supply Arrangements'.
• The Outstanding Reviewer Award for International Journal of Operations & Production Management was presented to Patrik Jonsson (Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden)
• The Outstanding Paper Award for Supply Chain Management: An International Journal was presented to Kenneth Platts for the paper by K.W. Platts, N. Song, (2010): ‘Overseas sourcing decisions – the total cost of sourcing from China.' (SCM, volume 15, issue 4, pp. 320-331.)
• The Highly Commended Award for Supply Chain Management: An International Journal was presented to Brian Fynes and Frank Wiengarten for the paper by Frank Wiengarten,
Paul Humphreys, Guangming Cao, Brian Fynes, Alan McKittrick, (2010): ‘Collaborative supply chain practices and performance: exploring the key role of information quality.'
(SCM, volume 14, issue 6, pp. 463-473.)
• The Highly Commended Award for TQM Journal was presented to Ben Clegg for the paper by Ben Clegg, Chris Rees, Mike Titchen, (2010): ‘A study into the effectiveness of quality management training: A focus on tools and critical success factors.' (TQM, volume 22, issue 2, pp. 188-208.)
The conference was preceded by the
10th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
1-2 July 2011
and the
3rd EurOMA Young Scholars' Workshop
3 July 2011
17th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Catholic University of Portugal (CUP), Porto, Portugal
6-9 June 2010
EurOMA 2010
"Managing Operations in Service Economies"
EurOMA Fellows – 2010
The EurOMA Fellowship program honours academics who have made a great contribution to the field of OM as well as given many years of service to the Association. The 2010 Nominating Committee (C. Karlsson, A. Neely, and A. Vereecke) presented the EurOMA Fellowship Award to the following two notable candidates (who also happen to be close colleagues):
• Bob Johnston (†) • Nigel Slack •
[NOTE: Bob Johnston passed away on 12 November 2012.]
Chris Voss Best Paper Awards – 2010
• The Chris Voss Best Paper Award was presented to
– Andreas Feldmann, Jan Olhager, Don Fleet, and Yongjiang Shi for the paper:
‘Linking networks and plant roles: The impact of changing a plant role.’
• The Chris Voss Highly Commended Award was presented to
– José Moyano-Fuentes, Macarena Sacristán-Díaz, and Pedro J. Martínez-Jurado for the paper:
‘Cooperation in the supply chain and lean production adoption:
Evidence from the Spanish automotive industry.’
– Zoe Radnor and Matthias Holweg for the paper:
‘From tools to systems: A critical appraisal of lean healthcare implementations.’
Harry Boer Best Student Paper Awards – 2010
• The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award was presented to
– Pichawadee Kittipanyangam (Institute of Manufacturing, University of Cambridge, UK),
Yongjiang Shi, and Mike Gregory for the paper:
‘Food supply chain in manufacturing companies – An exploratory study on product and configuration.’
• The Harry Boer Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Yang Cheng (Centre for Industrial Production, Aalborg University, Denmark), Harry Boer, and John Johansen for the paper:
‘The servitization of manufacturing: A resource-based perspective.’
– Jürgen P. Wagner (Massey University, New Zealand), Nigel P. Grigg, Robin Mann,
Musli Mohammad, and Warwick Harvie for the paper:
‘Beyond universalism: continuous improvement in its socio-cultural context.’
Emerald Awards – 2010
Emerald Awards for Excellence
• The Outstanding Paper Award for International Journal of Operations & Production Management was presented to Brent Snider, Giovani J.C. da Silveira, and Jaydeep Balakrishnan for the paper:
‘ERP implementation at SMEs: analysis of five Canadian cases.' (International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Volume 29, issue 1, 2009, pp. 4-29.)
• The Outstanding Reviewer Award for International Journal of Operations & Production Management was presented to Mohan Tatikonda (Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, USA)
• The Outstanding Service Award was presented to
David Bennett (Aston Business School, Aston University, UK)
David Bennet receiving his award from Lucy Sootheran of Emerald
• The Highly Commended Award for Supply Chain Management: An International Journal was presented to Janet Godsell and Remko van Hoek for the paper:
‘Fudging the supply chain to hit the number: five common practices that sacrifice the supply chain and what financial analysts should ask about them.' (Supply Chain Management: An International Journal, Volume 14, issue 3, 2009, pp. 171-176.)
• The Highly Commended Award for International Journal of Operations & Production Management was presented to Rui Sousa and Chris Voss for the paper:
‘The effects of service failures and recovery on customer loyalty in e-services: An empirical investigation.' (International Journal of Operations & Production Management, Volume 29, issue 8, 2009, pp. 834-864.)
The conference was preceded by the
9th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
4-5 June 2010
EurOMA 2010 Doctoral Seminar participants
and the
2nd EurOMA Young Scholars Workshop
6 June 2010
EurOMA 2010 Young Scholars Workshop participants
16th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Chalmers University of Technology, Göteborg, Sweden
14-17 June 2009
EurOMA 2009
"Implementation – Realizing Operations Management Knowledge"
EurOMA Fellows – 2009
In 2009, EurOMA started a Fellowship program to honour those academics who have made a great contribution to the field of OM as well as given many years of service to the Association. This year’s Nominating Committee (J.Ribera, D. P. van Donk, B. Fynes, and A. Vereecke) presented the EurOMA Fellowship Award to the following worthy candidates:
• Chris Voss • Christer Karlsson • Roberto Filippini • Andy Neely •
EurOMA Fellows 2009: Christer Karlsson, Chris Voss, and Andy Neely, with Pres. Ann Vereecke
(Roberto Filippini absent) [photo: Mats Johansson]
Chris Voss Best Paper Awards – 2009
• The Chris Voss Best Paper Award was presented to
– Joe Miemczyk, Thomas Stäblein,and Matthias Holweg for the paper: ‘Theoretical versus actual product variety: how much customisation is really demanded in the marketplace?’
• The Chris Voss Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Raffaella Cagliano, Federico Caniato, Ruggero Golini, and Evelyn Micelotta for the paper:
‘The impact of country culture on the adoption of new forms of work organization.’
Harry Boer Best Student Paper Awards – 2009
• The Harry Boer Best Student Paper Award was presented to
– Zhijian Cui, Christoph Loch, Bernd Grossmann, and Ru He for the paper: ‘Matching Innovation Outsourcing Motivations and Innovation Providers: An Empirical Study at Siemens.’
• The Harry Boer Highly Commended Award was presented to
– Kirstin Scholten, Dr. Pamela Sharkey-Scott, and Professor Brian Fynes for the paper: ‘Supply chain management concepts and humanitarian aid agencies – an exploratory study.’
Emerald Awards – 2009
Emerald Awards for Excellence
• The Outstanding Reviewer Award for Supply Chain Management: An International Journal was presented to Damien Power (University of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia)
• The Leading Editor Awards were presented to
Margaret Taylor & Andrew Taylor (both of the University of Bradford, UK)
Outstanding Doctoral Research Award
• The Highly Commended Award in Operations and Production Management category, sponsored by IJOPM, was presented to Sami Farooq (University of Nottingham, UK) for the paper: ‘Manufacturing technology selection: a supply chain perspective.'
The conference was preceded by the
8th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
12-13 June 2009
and the
1st EurOMA Young Scholars Workshop
14 June 2009
EurOMA 2009 Young Scholars Workshop participants [photo: Matteo Kalchschmidt]
15th International Annual EurOMA Conference
University of Groningen, Netherlands
15-18 June 2008
EurOMA 2008
"Tradition and Innovation in Operations Management:
Connecting Past and Future"
Chris Voss Best Paper Awards – 2008
• The Chris Voss Best Paper Award was presented to:
– Amrou Away Sheh and Robert D. Klassen for the paper
'Supply chain structure and its impact on supplier socially responsible practices'.
• Chris Voss Highly Commended Awards were presented to:
– Giovani J. C. da Silveira and Rui S. Sousa for the paper
'Analysis of the relationships between operations strategy paradigms and performance'.
– Giorgia Dal Pont, Andrea Furlan and Andrea Vinelli for the paper
'Effects on performance of lean bundles'.
Emerald Awards – 2008
Emerald Awards for Excellence
• The Outstanding Paper Award for IJOPM was presented to
Robert S. Collins and Roger W. Schmenner for the paper
'Understanding persistently variable performance in plants.' (IJOPM vol. 27/3) -
{accepted by Roger Schmenner}
• The Highly Commended Award for IJOPM was presented to
Rui Sousa and Christopher A. Voss for the paper
'Operational implications of manufacturing outsourcing for subcontractor plants:
An empirical investigation.' (IJOPM vol. 27/9) - {accepted by both authors}
• The Highly Commended Award for Supply Chain Management: An International Journal
was presented to Arni Halldorsson, Herbert Kotzab, Juliana Hsuan and Tage Skjøtt-Larsen
for the paper 'Complementary theories to supply chain management.' (SCMIJ vol. 12/4) - {accepted by Juliana Hsuan}
Outstanding Doctoral Research Award
• The Highly Commended Award in Operations and Production Management category,
sponsored by IJOPM, was presented to Alistair Brandon-Jones of the University of Bath,
School of Management (Doctoral award conferred by University of Warwick, UK), for the paper 'Perceived E-Procurement Quality: Exploring and measuring the construct at a tactical level within the public sector.'
The conference was preceded by the
7th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
13-14 June 2008
EurOMA 2008 Doctoral Seminar participants [photo: Jan Braaksma, PhD student]
14th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Ankara, Turkey
17-20 June 2007
EurOMA 2007
"Managing Operations in an Expanding Europe"
Emerald Awards – 2007
• Highly Commended Award for International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
to Kepa Mendibil and Jillian MacBryde for the paper
'Factors that affect the design and implementation of team-based performance measurement systems.' (IJPPM vol. 55, no. 2, 2006) - {accepted by both authors}
• Highly Commended Award for International Journal of Operations and Production Management
to Taco van der Vaart and Dirk Pieter van Donk for the paper
'Buyer-focused operation as a supply chain strategy: Identifying the influence of business characteristics.' (IJOPM vol. 26, no.1, 2006) - {accepted by both authors}
• Highly Commended Award for Benchmarking: An International Journal
to Mario Binder, Ben Clegg and Wolfgang Egel-Hess for the paper
'Achieving internal process benchmarking: guidance from BASF.' (BIJ vol. 13, no. 6, 2006) - {accepted by Ben Clegg}
The conference was preceded by the
6th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
15-16 June 2007
EurOMA 2007 Doctoral Seminar participants
13th International Annual EurOMA Conference
University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, UK
18-21 June 2006
EurOMA 2006
"Moving up the Value Chain"
The conference was preceded by the
5th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
16-17 June 2006