EurOMA Statutes
[PDF file 70 KB]
NOTE: The text and Articles of the last revision to
the EurOMA Statutes were officially proposed and duly
circulated to the membership for comments, then signed by
the Board as agreed by a majority vote of the EurOMA members
in attendance at the 2007 Annual General Meeting held in Ankara, Turkey,
prior to being legalised by a Belgian Notary in Brussels, according to due process of the law.
The Act was registered with the appropriate Belgian authorities on 7 February 2008,
and the present updated version of the EurOMA Statutes was subsequently
published in the annexes of the official organ "Le Moniteur belge"
(in French, one of the official languages of Belgium).
The document above is the original text
in English, as approved by the
EurOMA Board.