Project Reference Number: 109881 - CP -1-2003 -1- ES- ERASMUS- TNPP
The EurOMA-sponsored THENEXOM network was approved by the European Comission through its 2003 Socrates community action programme. THENEXOM’s short-term goal is to analyse the present state of Operations and Supply Chain Management in European universities and to identify strengths and weaknesses in order to instigate the use of better practices.
A census has been drawn up of OM teachers throughout the 28 countries (and 27 universities) making up the network. A survey will be taken of the teaching-staff, content and methods employed.
The network’s medium-term aim is to tighten links between teaching, research and business practice by reducing imbalances. In compliance with EU recommendations, strategic connections are being sought with America and Asia to expand aforesaid objectives and actions throughout the world.
E-mail: thenexom@us.es